Manual : Install Shopializable on a Magento shop

Installation of Shopializable on Magento.
If you have not already the module, you can order it on  our shop.

Facebook application installation on a Magento system

Upload all the folders (app, skin..) from the archive you got in you Magento directory.
After, connect yourself on your Magento control panel, and flush the  cache by clicking on System > Cache Management > Flush the cache.

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

Refresh your account permissions. You can disconnect yourself  and reconnect from the admin panel.
Go to the configuration panel of our extension Shopializable : System  > Configuration. On the left side, below Shopializable, click on  « Configuration ».
Fill the configuration form :

  • About the template name, enter the one you will use.  (default-reduced french, default-reduced-en english, default-reduced-es  spanish, default-reduced-it italian, default-reduced-de german).
  • Le nombre de produits affiché par page (9 est un bon chiffre).

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

Then, click on « save configuration ».
The last thing is to flush the extension cache, by clicking on the Shopializable menu > Cache.

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

Let’s have a look to Facebook now.

Installation of Shopializable on Facebook for a Magento system

Please follow the instructions once you are logged on Facebook and you’ve created your Facebook page. The application must settle on a Facebook page (page Fan page Business, more …) and not an account / Facebook profile. If you do not have a page, you can create one at this address :

Sign into your Facebook account, then click on the following link :

A Facebook popup should appear with a drop down menu containing your Facebook page. Choose the page where you want to install the module, then click on « Add to my page ».
(To add an application on a Facebook page, you need to have a Facebook account with administrators rights on the Facebook page. If you don’t see the link « Add to my page », then you need to create Facebook profile and to add it as administrator of your Facebook page. Otherwise, you can contact us, we will do it for you).

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

Once installed, you should see a blank page. Go to your Facebook page (by searching the name of your page).

Click on the link « edit my page » in the upper right.

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

You will now have the configuration page. On the left side, click on « Applications ».

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

In the applications list, let’s find the item « Shopializable2 », then click on go to the application (the left link).

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

Here’s the configuration page of our module. In the first field,  enter the exact url to our extension : your shop url following by  « /shopializable/ ».
For exemple :
Do not forget the « https:// » and the last slash « / » .
Ensure you check the checkbox and validate the form.

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

After it done, go back to your Facebook page. You are supposed to see  a Shop tab. If not click on the next « plus » button on your right.

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

If you see a link « Shop » click on it, the module should be showed. You  can move the tab on the left in order to make it more attractive.
If you have not seen the link, enter « Shop » in the search field, you will see the name of our application « Shopializable2 ».

Application Facebook Prestashop shopializable

The installation process is over.
You can modify all the template, css, html, images, translate or  change the words by modifying the files inside the template folder you  choose. The templates folders are located at  « /skin/shopializable/template/ ».
Also, we are developping premium templates . Contact us for detailed informations !
No support by using comments. Please use the contact form instead, we  will answer you as soon as possible. Please add to your application the  url of your shop, and the url of your Facebook page.

Application Facebook Magento shopializable

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